Nov 1, 2018 | Events, General News, The Rotary Foundation, Training, Youth Programs

Join us for a conference to explore the idea of peace and how we can make a difference right where we are. This event features Mohammed Eid, a Rotary Peace Scholar at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Mohammed is from the Gaza Strip, Palestine one of the most beautiful places in the world, yet also the site of some of the word conflict in the world. Mohammed will share his unique perspective related to his work and home country.
The main purpose of this event is to:
- Provide exposure to youth to the principles of peace & conflict resolution
- Develop baseline skills of reaching agreement and finding common ground
- How to address and resolve conflict
- How to set goals and effectively build a team
This FREE event is being held at Owens Community College (Heritage Hall) in Perrysburg from 9 AM – 4 PM. Registration is open at 8:30 AM.
Fostering Peace in our communities and across the globe is central to the work of Rotary. And while this is important for all Rotarians, encouraging our next generation of leaders to make Peace a priority is a special charge all of us share. This event is targeted towards members of our Interact and Rotaract Clubs and young professionals but all are welcome.
Interact and Rotaract Members, Non-Rotarians – please register HERE.
Rotary Club members, please register HERE.
Rotary District 6600 and the Rotary World Peace Scholar Program is proud to sponsor this event. Please EMAIL Allison Glover for more information.
Oct 4, 2018 | Events, General News, Service Projects, The Rotary Foundation, Youth Programs

Rotary District 6600’s Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad (MESA) Program is partnering with our district’s own Resource Centers International (RCI) to equip 18 pre-schools in Stann Creek, Belize this fall and you can join! Our time in-country will begin November 24 and conclude December 8. Plan to travel at least a day before and afterwards.

Volunteers will be asked to participate in assembling the various materials necessary to make the preschool a sustainable place of learning and community. On October 2, MESA shipped a container of supplies including gently used computers, software, and books to be used by children in Belize. Oftentimes, RCI supports schools in Spanish-speaking countries in Central America. Belize is an English-speaking country so there is no language barrier for Rotary volunteers to prevent interaction with these children and their teachers! Information about this and previous mission trips is available HERE.

While experience as an educator is ideal, your energy, passion and enthusiasm is all we need you to bring! Basic computer skills and familiarity with Windows and software installation is also helpful. Having people skills to interact with the various school personnel, parents and ministry of education staff is perhaps the most important contribution you can make. You should be prepared to give tutorials to teachers and others. RCI has performed this activity over 60 times in the last ten years.

A complete orientation will take place in Belize. Participants will be responsible for their own expenses which typically amount to approximately $1,000.

We are limiting participation to 10 people but we need one more as of October 4. Volunteers need a current passport and be current on their vaccinations; suggested vaccinations are Hepatitis A & B and a Flu shot. Interested Rotarians should communicate with Sylvania Rotarian Mel Honig at by November 1 to schedule or for more information.

May 12, 2018 | General News, Service Projects, Youth Programs

STRIVE participants from the Western part of District 6600 include Tyree Edwards (Fremont), Megan Schimmoeler (Ottawa Glandorf), Haley Palmer (Maumee), Belle Fischer (Ontario) with District Governor Deb Cheney
STRIVE, which stands for Students Taking Renewed Interest in the Value of Education, is a program where Rotary Clubs work with a high school for the purpose of motivating students to improve their school performance during their senior year. The major aspect of the program is that it is Student Driven and only facilitated by Rotarians. Designed to support students in increasing their attendance and participation and improving their grades and attitude, this program is fun, interactive, and can involve every Rotarian in our clubs.
Annually, District 6600 awards scholarships to four students in the eastern and western halves of our district. First place winners receiving a two-year renewable $2,000 scholarship are Darian Taylor from Oberlin High School sponsored by Oberlin Rotary Club and Belle Fischer from Ontario High School sponsored by the Mansfield Rotary Club. Second place finishers receiving a one-year $1,000 scholarship are Tessa Kasper from FIrelands High School sponsored by the Oberlin Rotary Club and Haley Palmer form Maumee High School sponsored by the Maumee Rotary Club.
Clubs interested in starting their plans for a STRIVE Program now can download the 2018-19 STRIVE Toolkit HERE.
Apr 20, 2018 | General News, Youth Programs

Rotary District 6600 is pleased to announce the winners of its annual Four-Way Test Speech Competition for area high school students. The Four-Way Test is a set of four questions that Rotarians use to assist in the conduct of their personal and professional lives. The questions are: “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”
Chaired by Assistant District Governor Steve Hosler of the Elyria Rotary Club, the speeches were judged by Rotarians Zabi Amanzai, Julie Cruz Blair, Gregg Glamm, Stevan Jehcura, and Rotary Partner Gloria Box, wife of Assistant Governor Randy Box.
This year’s winners were Anna Little, First Place, sponsored by the Norwalk Club; Alex Petroff, Second Place, sponsored by the North Coast Club; and Ashley Dibling, Third Place, sponsored by the Perrysburg Club. The top three finishers shared in over $1,000 is prize money this year. In total, 26 Rotary Clubs throughout the District submitted essays after club-level competition.
To learn more about District 6600’s Four Way Test Speech Competition and other District Programs, visit
Apr 13, 2018 | General News, Service Projects, Youth Programs

Rotary District 6600 is pleased to announce the winners of its annual Four-Way Test essay contest for the seventh and eighth grade students. The Four-Way Test is a set of four questions that Rotarians use to assist in the conduct of their personal and professional lives. The questions are: “Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”
The theme of this year’s contest was “The Four-Way Test in My Life.” Eight clubs participated in the 2018 Rotary Four Way Test Essay competition. Chaired by Lima Rotary Club Past President Esther Baldridge, the essays were judged by Rotarians Elizabeth Muether, Mike Makley, Mary Crehore and Heather Rutz.
This year’s winners were Morgan Shetzer, First Place, sponsored by the Fremont Club; Daniel Kurek, Second Place, sponsored by the Bucyrus Club; and Analei Jackson, Third Place, sponsored by the Lima Club. Rotary Clubs in North Coast, Perrysburg, Tiffin, St. Mary’s, and Bellevue also submitted essays after club-level competition.
To learn more about District 6600’s Four Way Test Essay Competition and other District Programs, visit Click HERE to download this year’s first, second, and third place essays.

Our first place winner, Morgan Shetzer, was unable to join us at the District Conference. See this note from her mother to Four Way Essay Contest Chair, Esther Baldridge.
Dear Ms. Baldridge, Morgan has a school music showcase on the same day as the conference. She plays her French horn in the morning and her violin in the afternoon. Morgan doesn’t want to disappoint her class by not being there but we are finding it difficult to make both events . After looking at the link you sent her to the district conference, she has decided to donate her district winnings back to the Rotary. Perhaps the funds would help expenses for the “kids against hunger” project. She has placed her winnings from the Fremont contest in her college savings account and is very appreciative. Thank you, Leanne Shetzer
Thank you, Morgan, four your generosity and your heart for helping others!
Apr 3, 2018 | Events, General News, Training, Youth Programs
The District Training Assembly is an annual event designed to inspire incoming club leaders and to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively lead with you during your year. The Assembly is also the first opportunity for your team to engage the District Governor-Elect and learn about the Rotary President’s Theme for the upcoming year, Be the Inspiration. We will kick off our morning with DGE Maris talking about our theme for the larger group and her vision for the upcoming Rotary Year. We will then transition into groups as outlined below where members can connect with others who hold similar positions and interests. Here is the schedule for the day.
8:30 – 9:00 |
Registration at Kalahari Resort in Sandusky |
9:00 – 9:30 |
District governor-elect’s remarks and presentation of the 2018-19 Theme |
9:30 – 9:45 |
Transition to Break-out sessions by cohort |
9:45 – 11:45 |
Sessions by Role or interest |
Noon-1:00 |
Lunch |
1:00 – 1:30 |
District Business Session / Presidents-Elect vote on budget, other district business |
1:30 – 2:00 |
Closing Session / Open time for Q&A for DGE Maris, District Leaders |
- Presidents-Elect
- Review the Presidential Citation, tactical training on Rotary Club Central and Goal Entry and how to use the reports for the Citation at My Rotary as management tools for your year. Bring your laptop!
- Club Secretaries
- Focused on how secretaries support entering information to track the Presidential Citation. Secretaries will also discuss the importance of keeping positions current and ensuring all member data is added both in the Rotary International and District databases (DacDb) – with help on how to do so. We encourage you to bring your laptop!
- Membership Chairs
- Learn how clubs may allow for greater flexibility in membership types, meeting schedules and formats, how to conduct a classification study to create a plan for diversifying membership per this year’s Presidential Citation, and brainstorm member engagement and recruitment ideas.
- Youth Chairs
- Learn about District and International Programs that touch youth and young adults including presentations on Rotary Youth Exchange, Four Way Test Speech and Essay, STRIVE, Interact, and Rotaract.
- Grant Learning Lab and Project Showcase
- Opportunities for clubs to share current or potential local and international projects, recruit for partnerships while also meeting leaders for and seeing displays about our Group Study Exchange and MESA, our Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad program. Coaching on District and Global Grant processes available for Grant Committee members. Bring your questions and business cards!
Any interested member is welcome to join a session above. If members of your club are unsure of where to jump in, we particularly encourage attendance in the Youth Session! Those who are committed to serving as club president in 2019-20 are especially encouraged to come and join District Governor Nominee Carolyn Huston for lunch and the opportunity to meet your leadership group.
Remember, Club Presidents Elect must attend this session in order to vote on the District Budget. You are your club’s only vote at our district business session!
Click HERE to have a registration link sent to you. In order to right size the rooms and have an accurate count for meals, please ensure that your team has registered no later than Monday, April 23.
If you have any questions about our District Assembly, please contact District Trainer Ken Robinson. We’re excited to gather with you and your team to enjoy great fellowship, be inspired together, and advance the mission of Rotary!