Rotary Membership:
Let’s Be Attractive!
An attractive club is not only a thriving, vibrant club, it’s also one who has made themselves accessible to potential members.
- Have you been making efforts to attract as many new members as possible in your communities?
- Have you switched up your meeting locations, days, times to accommodate as many schedules as possible?
- Have you added in any new membership types to generate different demographics?
- Thought about sponsoring satellite, companion or Rotaract clubs in your area?
These are a few ways to make our clubs more attractive to potential members and more accommodating to current members. While it is so important to shine from within, we also must accessorize ourselves from time to time to attract new eyes. Remember, you can be flexible. Do what works for your club and your community. You do not have to fit into the old, cookie-cutter style of Rotary past.
Be creative, Imagine Rotary!
Membership Committee Members
Lisa Wilson
Regional Committee Members:
Cheryl Andres (Bryan)
Lorena Gloden (Perrysburg)
Kevin Mathews (Van Wert)
Atonn Smeltzer (Bowling Green)
Cindy Wood (Mansfield)
Resources for club leaders:
Please check out the linked documents to help with the above suggestions.
Want to learn even more?
Check out the Learning Center on myrotary.org for more ideas on club flexibility, strategies to attract new members, and ready-made materials.

Join Rotary
Rotary is 1.2 million passionate individuals in 35,000+ clubs worldwide. We are both an international organization and a local community leader. Together we lead change in our own backyards and across the world.