Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized

Registration is open for the Ohio Pathways Rotary eClub Spring Sprint Virtual 5K! If you’re looking for an untimed, no pressure way to say you’ve completed a 5K Run, this is your chance. And you get to support our District’s eClub’s spring fund-raiser! Register below before March 31 and take all the time you want for your run before April 30.
What the heck is a Virtual Run you ask? It’s your opportunity to wear a fabulous t-shirt and support Ohio Pathways Rotary EClub without committing to a specific race date. Simply put you get to run, walk, or skip the 5k – 3.1 mile distance at the time and pace that’s best for you. Even better, get a group together at work, in your neighborhood, or amongst your friends. Make it a challenge or simply enjoy each others company. Do it all at once, or split the distance into smaller chunks and
make it your personal relay. With so many options how can you say no?
Sound interesting? Visit to register before March 31!
Aug 26, 2016 | General News, Uncategorized
In celebration of 100 years of doing good through The Rotary Foundation, District 6600 has commissioned Centennial Red and White Wine from Firelands Winery in Sandusky, Ohio. Please note these words from District 6600 Governor, Do Nguyen:
Dear Fellow Rotarians,
It is difficult to believe but we are already on our third production of the 100 Year Celebration Rotary Red Table Wine.
Thanks to the generosity of Rotarians in all of Ohio and especially our own District 6600, we have already received contributions enough to donate $12,000 to the Rotary Foundation. As with our first two productions, the run is limited in number and is on a first donation, first confirm basis. As a District 6600 Rotarian you can order a case or more to use for special gifts, occasions, and even for the Holidays. Cases of wine will be delivered in September.
In addition, a new 100 Year Celebration White Table Wine is also being produced for a September delivery. We have had many Rotarians ask about white wine and we’ve listened.
YOUR contribution and request needs to be received as soon as possible as a portion of this production is also set to go to the Legacy Zone Institute in Cleveland in late in September. As important, there may not be another wine production run offered prior to the end of this year.
Please join fellow Rotarians by contributing $288 and you will receive a case (12 bottles) of either the 100 Year Rotary Celebration Red or White Table Wine with commemorative label. Delivery is included in the price for District 6600 Rotarians. Time is truly limited to take advantage of this opportunity.
Thank you, in advance, for your continued enthusiasm for our Rotary Foundation’s Centennial Year. Know that a minimum $120 donation will be made for each $288 contribution received by the District.
Yours in Rotary,
Do Nguyen District Governor 6600
Download Order Form

Nov 10, 2015 | Uncategorized

Through the generosity of fellow Rotarians in District 6600, we are excited to roll out an exciting Individual Giving Incentive Campaign but act fast! This incentive plan ends on December 31! Expand the culture of giving and gratitude in our district and help your club meet the One Rotary Challenge!
Take Action through Every Rotarian, Every Year
- Any Rotarian who did not give in 2014-15 who gives at least $100 to the Foundation either by check to his or her Club Foundation Chair or commits to donating through Rotary Direct will be awarded 100 additional recognition points toward their Paul Harris Fellow The Rotary Direct option allows those who don’t wish to give all at once the opportunity to participate in the program by committing to a recurring gift at the amount of their choice equaling or exceeding $100 per year.
- Any new Rotarian since July 1 who donates at least $100 to the Rotary Foundation to start a NEW Paul Harris Fellow for herself or himself, or any Rotarian that starts a new account for a non-Rotarian (e.g. spouse, child, grandchild, etc.) will be awarded 200 recognition points (limit two per Rotarian) via a cash/check donation or Rotary Direct.
Join Leaders with the Paul Harris Society
- Any Rotarian who did not give in 2014-15 who donates $1,000 or more by check to his or her Club Foundation Chair or through Rotary Direct and commits to donating $1,000 per year for three years to become a member of the Paul Harris Society will be awarded 1,000 additional recognition points toward another Paul Harris Fellow.
- Any Rotarian who commits to raise his or her current donation to $1,000 or more per year for three years whether paying by check to his or her Club Foundation Chair or through Rotary Direct to become a member of the Paul Harris Society will be awarded 1,000 additional recognition points toward another Paul Harris Fellow.
Questions? Reach out to your Club’s Foundation Chair or to PDG Joe Ludwig, District Foundation Chair. Join us to earn incentives while Doing Good in the World this November!
Sep 23, 2015 | Events, General News, Training, Uncategorized

We want to invite you and your club members to join us at the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at Terra Community College. This is gathering of District 6600 Rotarians like no other and we want you to be there to share your voice!
ONE ROTARY SUMMIT joins together Rotary leaders to exchange ideas on energizing and boosting your club for growth, service and public interaction. At the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT you will engage fresh new thinking and take home hands-on tools to strengthen membership, public image and involvement in Foundation programs.
So you might be thinking…how is this different than the District Assembly or Foundation and Membership Seminars I’ve attended in the past? Well, here are some things we can promise:
- The ONE ROTARY SUMMIT is a new approach where YOU do most of the talking.
- You’ll dive in to meaningful case-studies about the topics that matter most to your local Rotary Club.
- There will be great interaction with Rotarians of all experience levels.
- Participants will be the first to hear information about some upcoming initiatives, including the One Rotary Challenge.
We want every club to be represented at the Summit so gather your members and RSVP today!
Register Now
Hear what others have to say after attending the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT:
Sep 22, 2015 | General News, Uncategorized

Hundreds of Rotarians from the United States and Canada gathered in Detroit September 10-13, 2015 for the Zones 28 & 29 Institute. More than 25 District 6600 Rotarians and partners attended the Motor City Zone held at the Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center.
District 6600 was prominently featured for its involvement in the Rollin’ with Rotary project in August. Highlighting activities sponsored by the Perrysburg and Sandusky Rotary Clubs, Rotarians watched a summary video and learned that we literally achieved millions of social media impressions throughout the campaign. Click HERE to watch the Rollin’ with Rotary video!
Our District also received several awards recognizing our support of The Rotary Foundation at the Zone Institute gala on Saturday evening prior to a performance by The Contours and Martha Reeves and the Vandellas. Zones 28 and 29 were the number one paired zone in the world for Rotary Giving and District 6600 Rotarians played an important part. In addition to being the number one District for ShelterBox giving last year at a whopping $123,710, we were recognized for the second highest contribution to END POLIO NOW with $155,570 and the third highest donor district in Zone 29 for Rotary Foundation giving at $603,289! In just our polio work alone, when matched by the generosity of the Gates Foundation, nearly 778,000 children will receive life-saving immunizations.

Congratulations to Immediate Past District Governor Rex Engle, District Rotary Foundation Chair PDG Joe Ludwig, and the 2014-15 class of Presidents and Foundation Chairs. And a huge thank you to the 1,984 donors to the Every Rotarian, Every Year campaign. To get a head start of your giving for this Rotary Year, click HERE to be directed to The Rotary Foundation.
Sep 17, 2015 | Events, General News, Uncategorized

Polio eradication is the one common service project among Rotary clubs everywhere. The World Health Organization celebrates World Polio Day on October 23rd with the goal of educating the world about the devastating effects of this disease.
To show our support, Rotarians all over District 6600 have an opportunity to support End Polio Now through fellowship and food. On Thursday October 22rd, Bob Evans restaurants around our district will be donating 15% of your bill to End Polio Now. It’s that simple. Eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three!) at your favorite Bob Evans restaurants, show the staff your flyer, and you will have made a difference. Here are a few ideas about how you can promote this event:
- Hold your regular club or committee meeting at Bob Evans
- Distribute the flyer to co-workers, friends and family
- Organize a fellowship event for your members to meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner
Download Flyer
In addition to our Bob Evans End Polio Now Fundraiser, here are a few other items that may help your club promote World Polio Day:
World Polio Day happens just once a year, but Rotary’s mission to end Polio happens every day. Thank you for your donations, support and commitment to this cause. Last year District 6600 provided enough funding to immunize 259,283 children world wide with donations over $155,000. Our donations were then matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a total of 777,850 children who will never experience this devastating disease.
For questions on World Polio Day:
Tim Ryan, District Polio Chair or Joe Ludwig, District Foundation Chair