Register Now for the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT


We want to invite you and your club members to join us at the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at Terra Community College. This is gathering of District 6600 Rotarians like no other and we want you to be there to share your voice!

ONE ROTARY SUMMIT joins together Rotary leaders to exchange ideas on energizing and boosting your club for growth, service and public interaction. At the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT you will engage fresh new thinking and take home hands-on tools to strengthen membership, public image and involvement in Foundation programs.

So you might be thinking…how is this different than the District Assembly or Foundation and Membership Seminars I’ve attended in the past? Well, here are some things we can promise:

  • The ONE ROTARY SUMMIT is a new approach where YOU do most of the talking.
  • You’ll dive in to meaningful case-studies about the topics that matter most to your local Rotary Club.
  • There will be great interaction with Rotarians of all experience levels.
  • Participants will be the first to hear information about some upcoming initiatives, including the One Rotary Challenge.

We want every club to be represented at the Summit so gather your members and RSVP today!


Register Now

Hear what others have to say after attending the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT: