Apr 10, 2016 | Events, General News, Training

The District Training Assembly is an annual event designed to inspire incoming club leaders and to equip them with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively lead their clubs. This session is designed for specific position holders (Presidents-Elect, Secretaries, Treasurers, Club Foundation Chairs and Club Membership Chairs) to learn with and engage district leaders and subject matter experts. Participants will network with other Rotarians who hold similar positions in the morning and will meet by club after lunch to share and refine goals for the club prior to entering them into Rotary Club Central. Facilitators, Assistant Governors, and other district leaders will be available to support clubs in this process. The collection of goals from each of our Rotary Clubs truly is the foundation for our District’s goals.
A District Training Assembly is also the first opportunity for most club leaders to engage the District Governor-Elect and learn about the Rotary President’s Theme for the upcoming year. We will kick off our morning on May 14 at 9 AM at the University of Findlay with a presentation about the Presidential Citation and some specific thoughts about how we might celebrate the Centennial of The Rotary Foundation as a District and sharpen our focus on membership attraction, retention and engagement. A special emphasis will be placed on Public Image and other district programs prior to break-outs for the positions listed below. The day will conclude with a short business meeting and adjourn by 3 PM. Remember, Presidents-Elect must attend the District Business Session to vote on the District Budget!
Sessions are offered for the positions listed below. Your club leaders will have the chance to network in sessions designed only for them through teaching each other as well as learning from district subject matter experts! NOTE: Due to space limitations, there will only be sessions offered for these club leaders.
- President (2016-17)
- Incoming presidents will spend additional time with our DGE, discuss questions that have arisen since PETS, and have an open forum to share concerns and solicit input from their peers. District Leaders will attend sessions with our PEs.
- Secretaries and Treasurers
- Members are encouraged to bring their laptop or tablet to use the online tools available to manage key activities for which they are responsible.
- Club Rotary Foundation Committee Chair
- May also be the member designated as the Foundation Administrative Coordinator.
- This session is not a Foundation Seminar or a Grants Management Seminar. It is designed to help you become more effective in telling our story, inspiring giving and providing meaningful recognition to members for their support of The Rotary Foundation.
- Club Membership Committee Chair
- This session does not replace the Membership Seminar. It is focused on sharing best practices on member education, integration and recognition.
If you hold one of the positions above in the upcoming Rotary Year, please register HERE. In order to right size the rooms and have an accurate count for meals, please ensure that your team has registered no later than Friday, April 29 at 5 p.m.
If you have any questions about our District Training Assembly, please don’t hesitate to reach out to District Trainer Ken Robinson. Your district leadership team is excited to gather with you and your club team to enjoy great fellowship, be inspired together, and advance the mission of Rotary!
Oct 22, 2015 | General News, Training

District 6600 held its first One Rotary Summit on Saturday, October 17 in Fremont and the feedback was terrific! The One Rotary Summit was a three-hour synergistic learning experience that asked 40 club and district leaders to work together to develop creative solutions to two relatable Rotary case studies. One Rotary Summit participants worked in teams to engage two case studies that asked participants to leverage tools and information in relation to Membership, Public Image and The Rotary Foundation. We wanted participants to think outside the box and they did! We all know that when it comes to our Club’s there is not a one-size-fits-all approach, so we had to get creative! In fact, they got so creative that President Tami Tima from Bucyrus led the group in its own Rotary District 6600 Cheer! (Thanks, Tami!)
Leaders were also introduced to our own forum for sharing great ideas from club leaders, for club leaders. The One Rotary Toolbox is your landing spot on Facebook for innovative practices and tools for clubs, from clubs. Join the group and add all of your fellow Rotarians. In addition to our District website and your district leadership team, the One Rotary Toolbox is here to support and encourage you in your role as a Rotary Club leader.
Join the One Rotary Toolbox
The materials posted in the Toolbox by members are yours to adapt. Our format on Facebook allows you to JOIN LEADERS, EXCHANGE IDEAS, and TAKE ACTION to strengthen Rotary in your community. Post. Download. Share. Spread the word!
For more information on the One Rotary Summit and a sampling of the resources used in our case studies, see the listing below.
One Rotary Summit Materials from Zones 28 & 29
If you would like assistance in hosting a One Rotary Summit in your area, contact your assistant governor or send an email to your district support team for more information.
Sep 23, 2015 | Events, General News, Training, Uncategorized

We want to invite you and your club members to join us at the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at Terra Community College. This is gathering of District 6600 Rotarians like no other and we want you to be there to share your voice!
ONE ROTARY SUMMIT joins together Rotary leaders to exchange ideas on energizing and boosting your club for growth, service and public interaction. At the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT you will engage fresh new thinking and take home hands-on tools to strengthen membership, public image and involvement in Foundation programs.
So you might be thinking…how is this different than the District Assembly or Foundation and Membership Seminars I’ve attended in the past? Well, here are some things we can promise:
- The ONE ROTARY SUMMIT is a new approach where YOU do most of the talking.
- You’ll dive in to meaningful case-studies about the topics that matter most to your local Rotary Club.
- There will be great interaction with Rotarians of all experience levels.
- Participants will be the first to hear information about some upcoming initiatives, including the One Rotary Challenge.
We want every club to be represented at the Summit so gather your members and RSVP today!
Register Now
Hear what others have to say after attending the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT:
Feb 19, 2015 | General News, Training

Please join us for the First Grant Management Seminar (GMS) of 2015!
The District 6600 Grants subcommittee has developed a Grant Management Toolkit. Within this kit you will find all pertinent information on how to consider, apply, and manage a district grant. At the GMS we will be walking you step by step through the grant process as we explain this new resource.
Highlights of the GMS include but are not limited to the following:
2014-15 District Grant Report
Changes in the Grants from RI
What’s involved in doing a district grant
How do I apply – walk through the application
Rules and Regulations – The MOU and addendum
Records – why we need to keep them and why they are important!
Global grants – why we need to get involved and how we can do it
Grant deadlines for 2015-2016
Plan on breaking for lunch on your own at the resort and continuing into the early afternoon. We hope to finish by 2:30 p.m. at the latest.
IMPORTANT: In order for a club to be qualified for grants in the 2015-2016 Rotary year, AT LEAST two Rotarians from a Rotary Club must attend a GMS. We encourage you to send as many people as possible to learn about the process. FACS and Club President Elects are strongly encouraged to attend as well as Grant Chairs in clubs that have created that position.
For questions on this event please email District Rotary Foundation Chair, Joe Ludwig at jludwig67@gmail.com