Sep 23, 2015 | Events, General News, Training, Uncategorized

We want to invite you and your club members to join us at the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT on Saturday, October 17, 2015 at Terra Community College. This is gathering of District 6600 Rotarians like no other and we want you to be there to share your voice!
ONE ROTARY SUMMIT joins together Rotary leaders to exchange ideas on energizing and boosting your club for growth, service and public interaction. At the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT you will engage fresh new thinking and take home hands-on tools to strengthen membership, public image and involvement in Foundation programs.
So you might be thinking…how is this different than the District Assembly or Foundation and Membership Seminars I’ve attended in the past? Well, here are some things we can promise:
- The ONE ROTARY SUMMIT is a new approach where YOU do most of the talking.
- You’ll dive in to meaningful case-studies about the topics that matter most to your local Rotary Club.
- There will be great interaction with Rotarians of all experience levels.
- Participants will be the first to hear information about some upcoming initiatives, including the One Rotary Challenge.
We want every club to be represented at the Summit so gather your members and RSVP today!
Register Now
Hear what others have to say after attending the ONE ROTARY SUMMIT:
Sep 17, 2015 | Events, General News, Uncategorized

Polio eradication is the one common service project among Rotary clubs everywhere. The World Health Organization celebrates World Polio Day on October 23rd with the goal of educating the world about the devastating effects of this disease.
To show our support, Rotarians all over District 6600 have an opportunity to support End Polio Now through fellowship and food. On Thursday October 22rd, Bob Evans restaurants around our district will be donating 15% of your bill to End Polio Now. It’s that simple. Eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner (or all three!) at your favorite Bob Evans restaurants, show the staff your flyer, and you will have made a difference. Here are a few ideas about how you can promote this event:
- Hold your regular club or committee meeting at Bob Evans
- Distribute the flyer to co-workers, friends and family
- Organize a fellowship event for your members to meet for breakfast, lunch or dinner
Download Flyer
In addition to our Bob Evans End Polio Now Fundraiser, here are a few other items that may help your club promote World Polio Day:
World Polio Day happens just once a year, but Rotary’s mission to end Polio happens every day. Thank you for your donations, support and commitment to this cause. Last year District 6600 provided enough funding to immunize 259,283 children world wide with donations over $155,000. Our donations were then matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation for a total of 777,850 children who will never experience this devastating disease.
For questions on World Polio Day:
Tim Ryan, District Polio Chair or Joe Ludwig, District Foundation Chair

Feb 4, 2015 | Events, Youth Programs

Defiance College, Defiance Rotary and Rotary District 6600 are pleased to announce details of the 29th annual World Community Workshop being held May 7-9, 2015 at Defiance College. This three-day workshop for high-school students is designed to help participants learn about the history, customs, economic and political issues of a selected region of the world. Students participate in small group discussions and experience hands-on activities. In addition, guest speakers share their stories about life in different countries.
The World Community Workshop is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students should be in good academic standing and have a genuine interest in learning about different regions of the world. Local Rotary Clubs within District 6600 provide scholarships which covers the cost of attending the workshop. This year participants will explore and learn about the history and culture of Brazil, a vital political and cultural leader in South America and one of the most important economic powers in the world today.
Rotary clubs should consider sponsoring one or more students to attend this rich experience designed to promote Peace and Understanding.
Download the 2015 World Community Workshop Brochure to learn more.
For More Information Contact:
Jordan Heiliger, World Community Workshop Liaison
(419) 783-2479
Jan 30, 2015 | Events, General News

This year area high schools students will be included in the District Conference as part of the Saturday programming. Students who are members of a locally sponsored Interact club are invited to register for a one-day Interact conference targeted towards the growth and development of the Interact club.
District 6600 Governor Rex Engle shared, “I felt it was important to engage our students in the largest District activity held all year long. By joining Rotarians, hearing from high-quality speakers, meeting Rotary Youth Exchange students and having time to share best practices from other Interact clubs, we can better equip these teens to make a difference in their local communities.”
The cost of the Saturday Interact conference is just $30 and includes meals, workshops and time at the Waterpark located with the Kalahari resort.
April 1, 2015
Conference Flier
Parent Information Letter
Conference Registration Form
Gina Eschke
Jan 12, 2015 | Events
The Four Way Test is a project for students in grades 9-12 to bring the Rotary Four Way Test to life in a 5-7 minute prepared speech. The winner of your local speech contest moves on to represent your club at a District wide competition.
Registration Deadline:
April 1, 2015
Event Date:
April 18, 2015
Event Location:
Kalahari Resort, Sandusky Ohio (during District Conference)
Reference Documents:
2105 District 6600 Speech Contest Information
Sample Letter to Principals
Stephen Hosler, Elyria Rotary Club
(440) 448-4960