Nearly 40 Club and District leaders joined together on Saturday for our first One Rotary Summit. The feedback from this interactive event was great! Leaders worked in two different table groups to brainstorm solutions to two case studies designed to bring out great ideas and increase awareness about the breadth of resources available to club leaders to promote membership growth, inspire greater giving to The Rotary Foundation, and apply Rotary’s public image resources to support Rotary’s ultimate goal – greater service to our communities.
Leaders in attendance also learned about our One Rotary Challenge. All clubs that enter their 2015-16 goals into Rotary Club Central and achieve 75% member participation in Rotary Foundation giving – PolioPlus or Annual Fund – prior to December 31 will receive a free customized, retractable standing banner for their meetings (design options shown below!).
One Rotary Challenge FlyerEvery club in our district has an awesome opportunity to earn one of these banners! Share this challenge with your club members and make your gift today!
Questions? Contact your club’s Assistant Governor or email the District 6600 Team for more information.

Never forget the Four Way Test when your club earns this banner during the One Rotary Challenge!

This banner could be customized with your club information when you meet the One Rotary Challenge!