Jan 9, 2018 | General News, Youth Programs
The 2017-18 STRIVE Scholarship Interviews will be held on Saturday, May 5, at the Findlay Inn and Conference Center and the Marble Institute of America in Oberlin. Specific interview times will be confirmed and updated here as applicant information is received. The deadline for receipt of completed scholarship applications is April 23, 2018. Applications must be complete in their entirety and on time in order to be considered. Please click HERE to download this year’s scholarship packet.
Local Club STRIVE Committee Chairs are asked to submit the 2017-18 STRIVE Student Participant Roster by April 23 as well. District Governor Deb Cheney and STRIVE Chairs PDG John and Ronnie Cole will provide certificates of appreciation for each student to be given out at each program’s end of year celebration. Please click HERE to download this year’s STRIVE Student Participant Roster.
Please return applications to STRIVE Committee Chair PDG John Cole via fax (440-775-1120), e-mail (jc1040@oberlin.net) or US Mail (13 S. Main St., Oberlin, OH 44074).
Aug 31, 2016 | General News, Youth Programs
It’s back to school time and we have a new opportunity to promote Rotary’s Four Way Test with every seventh and eighth grader in District 6600.
District 6600 is pleased to announce the creation of the Four Way Test Essay Contest. This contest is targeted specifically for seventh and eighth grade students and is designed to complement the existing Four Way Test Speech Contest for high school students. Students will write an essay explaining what the Four Way Test means to them in 1,500 words or less. Those essays will be judged by local Rotary clubs to identify a winner who will compete at the District level. The overall District winner will be recognized at the District Conference in May at Sawmill Creek.
Esther Baldridge of the Lima Rotary Club is chairing the Essay contest for the District and shares, “This is a great new project for clubs to offer our seventh and eighth graders. Participating students will have an opportunity for a cash prize and the chance to interact with a local Rotary club. The Four Way Test is an integral part of Rotary and this is the perfect way to introduce those ideals into the lives of youth in our district.”
If your club is interested in participating in this year’s essay contest please:
- Download Essay Contest information and share with club members.
- Identify a chair for the project within your club.
- Talk to schools now! Essays are due in February 2017 but now is the time to identify a partner teacher for the project.
All clubs are encouraged to participate in this youth focused project. If you have any questions about the contest or would like additional information, please contact Esther Baldridge.
Download Speech Contest Info
Download Essay Information
Jul 29, 2015 | General News, Service Projects, Youth Programs

The Rotary Club of Sandusky has received a Significant Achievement Award from 2014-15 Rotary International President Gary Huang in recognition of outstanding and significant community efforts with their annual “Rotary Clothes Kids” program. The nomination was submitted by Immediate Past District Governor Rex Engle. Assistant Governor Maris Brenner was the 2014-15 President of Sandusky Rotary.
Over the course of five weekends in November and December 2014, Sandusky Rotarians shopped for more than 200 children. According to Past President Brenner, “What’s special about these children is a lot of them have never gotten the chance to go shopping and pick out what they want. Their guardians will send them with a list of sizes and stuff they need. We spend between $125 to $140 on each child.” Sandusky Rotary also involved young people by partnering with students from Margaretta, Perkins, and St. Mary’s Central Catholic High Schools.
According to RI President Huang, “the Significant Achievement Award recognizes outstanding Rotary club projects that address the most pressing needs of their local communities. These projects illustrate Rotary’s avenue of Community Service in action and they provide successful models for other Rotary clubs to replicate.”
Congratulations to the leaders in Sandusky Rotary for making such an impact in the lives of young people in Sandusky!

Click HERE for a photo gallery of the 2014 “Rotary Clothes Kids” event.
Mar 31, 2015 | Service Projects, Youth Programs
#MealsThatMatter15 will build 40,000 meals for victims of ISIS
On Saturday, April 11, 2015, at Gateway Middle School in Maumee, Ohio, area high school students will join together to help erase hunger in one part of the world in an event called #MealsThatMatter15. Student organizations from four area high schools have raised over $10,000 to build 40,000 shelf-stable meals through ISOH Impact’s Kids Against Hunger program. The meals built by students that day will be sent to refugee camps outside Israel threatened by ISIS.
The meal-building initiative has been a collaborative effort between Anthony Wayne, Maumee and Perrysburg Interact Clubs and Eastwood and Perrysburg Key Clubs. Leaders from Interact and Key Club have been meeting regularly to organize the fundraising efforts as well as the logistics for the meal build.
Perrysburg student Lauren Piezer said, “As high school students, the biggest misconception is that we are only the future. We aren’t waiting for the future to make a difference. We are here now and we’re ready to do big things.”
Anthony Wayne Interact advisor Deb Cheney has been meeting with these student leaders and said, “It’s inspiring to see how much can be accomplished by a motivated group of teenagers. These students have worked tirelessly to break down school barriers and organization barriers in the name of making a difference in our world.”
For information about this project please contact Waterville Rotarian and District Governor Nominee Designate Debra Cheney at deb.l.cheney@gmail.com.

Feb 20, 2015 | Youth Programs

The 2014-15 STRIVE Scholarship Interviews will be held on Saturday, April 18, as part of this year’s District Conference. Specific interview times will be confirmed and updated here as applicant information is received. The deadline for receipt of completed scholarship applications is April 6, 2015. Applications must be complete in their entirety and on time in order to be considered. Please click HERE to download this year’s scholarship packet.
Local Club STRIVE Committee Chairs are asked to submit the 2014-15 STRIVE Student Participant Roster by April 6 as well. DG Engle and PDG Cole will provide certificates of appreciation for each student to be given out at each program’s end of year celebration. Please click HERE to download this year’s STRIVE Student Participant Roster.
Please return applications to STRIVE Committee Chair PDG John Cole via fax (440-775-1120), e-mail (jc1040@oberlin.net) or US Mail (13 S. Main St., Oberlin, OH 44074)
Feb 4, 2015 | Events, Youth Programs

Defiance College, Defiance Rotary and Rotary District 6600 are pleased to announce details of the 29th annual World Community Workshop being held May 7-9, 2015 at Defiance College. This three-day workshop for high-school students is designed to help participants learn about the history, customs, economic and political issues of a selected region of the world. Students participate in small group discussions and experience hands-on activities. In addition, guest speakers share their stories about life in different countries.
The World Community Workshop is open to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Students should be in good academic standing and have a genuine interest in learning about different regions of the world. Local Rotary Clubs within District 6600 provide scholarships which covers the cost of attending the workshop. This year participants will explore and learn about the history and culture of Brazil, a vital political and cultural leader in South America and one of the most important economic powers in the world today.
Rotary clubs should consider sponsoring one or more students to attend this rich experience designed to promote Peace and Understanding.
Download the 2015 World Community Workshop Brochure to learn more.
For More Information Contact:
Jordan Heiliger, World Community Workshop Liaison
(419) 783-2479 jheiliger@defiance.edu