Rotary District 6600 includes 60 clubs and over 2,800 members in Northern Ohio​.



Where we see need, MESA collaborates with global organizations to provide needed technology, medical supplies and hope to areas of the world where there is little or no hope.

MESA collects and sends medical and educational materials around the globe.

In the United States, there’s a huge wealth of usable medical equipment and supplies that are no longer in service.

The second-hand surplus in our country is often state-of-the-art to the healing needs of developing countries. Rotarians have the resources to collect, sort, identify, store and ship millions of dollars of still-usable medical supplies and equipment.

The supplies and equipment go from MESA’s warehouse in Fostoria, into a shipping container, and then into the port of a local Rotary Club for distribution.

It really helps people all over the world and helps recycle medical equipment rather than being thrown away or discarded. It’s good environmentally, it’s good economically, and it’s good medically.”

Dr. David Weldy –
MESA volunteer and associate professor
University of Toledo, Department of Family Medicine

People of Action:

If you are, or know of a group of people that are People of Action, then you are a great fit for MESA!

If you are someone who wants to make a difference, then you are a great fit for MESA! We are looking for People of Action to partner with MESA. There are opportunities to help us grow our supply network, make a service project road trip to our warehouse, or participate in one of our many fundraising bike rides.

Through increased generosity of our network of equipment and supply donors, our inventory is up by 300%. We have the ability to provide more life-affirming opportunities for many, but we need your help and support to make it happen. MESA welcomes corporate, individual, or Rotary Club donations and sponsorship of shipments.


We ship millions of dollars’ worth of medical and educational materials to Central America, West Africa, and Eastern European countries from our 23,000-square-foot warehouse.

There are only two of these Rotary warehouses in the United States, and we have one here in District 6600 in Fostoria, Ohio.


We ship millions of dollars’ worth of medical and educational materials to Central America, West Africa, and Eastern European countries from our 23,000-square-foot warehouse.

There are only two of these Rotary warehouses in the United States, and we have one here in District 6600 in Fostoria, Ohio.

MESA is in partnership with Resource Centers International specifically for computers and educational equipment.

Resource Centers International is a project of the Rotary Clubs of District 6600 and its international service project, MESA.

Along with our International partners, we are opening Resource Centers in pre- and primary schools in Belize and Jamaica. Containers are loaded with educational equipment and sent to the District/Province for final distribution to schools.

A mission team of Rotarians and local educators then visits each site to set up the Resource Center. During the visit the mission team provides information on how to use and integrate the products sent which include:

  • Computers, each loaded with educational software
  • Books that can be used at all levels in the school: picture books for the youngest, resource books and novels for the older students
  • Televisions with VHS or DVD players and media
  • Books shelves
  • Educational games and toys
  • Sporting equipment
MESA Bike Tour

Get your club involved in the next Rotary Tour for MESA Bike Ride!

Every summer, cyclists from Northern Ohio take a tour of Rotary District 6600 to raise funds and awareness for MESA. The tour typically lasts for 5 days, is about 250-350 miles long and includes stops at clubs throughout the district.

How to get your club involved in the MESA Tour


Contribute dollars per mile.

Have your club pledge dollars per mile for any one or all of the riders.


Sponsor a rider from your own club.

Have your club pledge dollars per mile for a member of your club to ride the Tour with us.


Have members of your club ride part way.

Sponsor members from your club to ride a few miles on one day of the Tour.

Use the Tour as a tool to raise interest and funds for MESA.

Make the Tour Week your week to generate pledges and contributions for MESA. Many clubs already contribute on a per member basis – the Tour can be a way to increase awareness of MESA.

Check the Rotary District 6600 website for Tour journals.

We will post daily journals so you can follow our escapades.

Plan to get on our itinerary next year.

Start now to petition MESA to be a host site for next year.

Have questions about the
Rotary Tour for MESA?

Please contact the MESA Tour
Coordinator, Kurt Anderson
(Elyria Sunrise Rotary Club)

MESA – Medical Equipment and Supplies Abroad is a 501(c)3 and was formed in 1981 by the Rotary Clubs of Northwest Ohio District 6600
Rotary District 6600 The Magic of Rotary
Heart of America Rotary Zones 30 & 31
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